Thursday, May 20, 2010

Graphics Cards for Macs and the diffrences in performances??

ok so im looking for a diffrent graphics card for my Macbook, it currently has a Intel GMA X3100 graphics processor with 144MB of DDR2 SDRAM ... and i was wondering what kinds of cads other people have bought and the diffrences in performance. Thanks!!

Graphics Cards for Macs and the diffrences in performances??
"ok so im looking for a diffrent graphics card for my Macbook,"

Give up right now, and save yourself the time. It isn't upgradeable.
Reply:LOL... MAC... Dude with all honestly why waste your money? MAC is on CrAcK and should be burned. One of the worst OSs in history... Games suck, and not just for gaming... All else sucks on that OS...

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