Sunday, November 15, 2009

Graphics cards?

I was just wondering what is better. To get a faster 256 mb graphics card, or a slower 512 mb graphics card. Thanks

Graphics cards?
It depends on what you plan on using the card for, but my recommendation is to go with a faster 256MB card, since with the exception of a number of games with ultra high detail textures, most users would benefit more from a faster GPU (Graphic Processing Unit) than extra memory.

I would like to add that if you are buying a card now, get one that supports DirectX10 (Such as the NVidia 8X00 or AMD 2X00 series). These cards will allow you to enjoy all the latest releases if you play computer games. The newer cards also handle video decryption much faster than the previous generation of video cards, and reduce the load on your CPU.
Reply:The most important factors are:

The bit rate by which the card processes, then the clock (core and memory) speed, then the ram type, then the amount of ram - in that order.

Give me a 256mb, 256-bit card with GDDR3 over a 512MB 128-bit GDDR2 card any day.
Reply:The more memory the better it plays on higher resolutions if you have a computer that runs at 1680x1050 or below you should be fine with 256mb or video ram but if your playing on higher than that go with 512mb.

So according to your screen resolution you'll be able to know what mb graphics card you need. And if 256mb is all you need then search for the best card in that catorgary within your budget

Hope this helps

Reply:I would prefer optimal graphics, so i would say the 512Mb graphics card

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