Thursday, April 30, 2009

Whats the difference between 2 agp graphics cards?

I have been shopping around for graphics cards. I have an AGP slot so i need an AGP card but when i look at them some have 2 parts to go in to the AGP slot and other have 3. Is there a difference or can i use either. My AGP slot seems to have only 2 spaces. Can any1 help me? I hate technical stuff

Whats the difference between 2 agp graphics cards?
some cards just have that for some reason. As long as you know that its an AGP slot in your computer and the card is AGP then you'll have no problems.
Reply:The answer depends upon your particular motherboard. Older AGP cards ran on 3.3 volts and the more recent ones run on 1.5. Take a look at your AGP slot and compare it to these diagrams.

This should help you figure out what you need. Basically, if the card will fit your AGP slot, then it should be fine. If your computer is only a few years old, then it should be a 1.5v slot. Just make sure the card you get is 1.5v compliant. Putting a 3.3v "universal" card into a 1.5v motherboard, even though it fits, will blow out your motherboard.
Reply:jen, nothing to be confused about,

as you saw, the first two of the parts that you've seen are the ones that slides into the slot, the back part of it, which sort of looks like a tail, doesn't get into AGP slot, its just to lock your card tight without moving where motherboard supports so.

Then again, the third part is simply nothing but a lock handle. Just go ahead and purchase your card and slide it in, you'd have no problems at all, and enjoy your new visual experience, good luck. hope my answer helped.
Reply:Difference between 1.5V AGP and .8V AGP:

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